Zaproszeni wykładowcy zagraniczni
Dr. Floriana Mascilini
Dr Floriana Mascilini jest specjalistką położnictwa i ginekologii. Pracuje wraz z Prof. Antonią Testą i prof. Anną Fagotti w Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli IRCCS w Rzymie, czołowym ośrodku onkologicznym w Europie. Obejmuje stanowisko kierownika Oddziału Procedur Inwazyjnych Pod Kontrolą USG w Dziennym Szpitalu Nowotworów Ginekologicznych w Fondazione Policlinico A. Gemelli IRCCS w Rzymie. Ma szerokie doświadczenie w diagnostyce ultrasonograficznej raka szyjki macicy, jajnika i endometrium. Jest główną badaczką oraz współbadaczką w licznych badaniach klinicznych dotyczących raka szyjki macicy oraz innych nowotworów ginekologicznych, prowadzonych w ramach grup IOTA, IETA i MUSA. Ponadto jest recenzentem w wielu renomowanych międzynarodowych czasopismach naukowych o wysokim współczynniku cytowań.
Prof. Vincent Vandecaveye
Prof. Vincent Vandecaveye is staff radiologist at the division of abdominal/gynaecological imaging; department of radiology at the University Hospitals Leuven, Leuven, Belgium since 2008 and associate professor at the Catholic University of Leuven. He completed his PhD in 2010 on the subject of diffusion-weighted MRI in head and neck cancer.
Next to general abdominal imaging and abdominal radiological intervention his main clinical interests include imaging of hepatic tumours, gynaecological imaging with special focus on ovarian cancer and functional MRI of abdominal cancers. Likewise, his main area of research includes the development of (whole body) diffusion-weighted imaging for tumour detection, staging and (early) treatment assessment of gynaecological, hepatobiliary/digestive cancers and breast cancer and neuro-endocrine tumours.
Vincent Vandecaveye has (co-)authored 121 peer-reviewed articles - mainly on diffusion-weighted MRI in oncology and delivered more than 130 invited lectures at international meetings concerning oncologic and diffusion-weighted imaging (including ESGAR, ECR, Erasmus courses, ESTRO, IOTA, ACAR...).
He is an active member of the EORTC imaging group, European society of Radiology (ESR), fellow of the European society of gastro-intestinal and abdominal radiology (ESGAR) and member of the Belgian guideline development group for diagnosis and treatment of colon cancer, ovarian cancer and hepatobiliary cancer. He was also member of the organizing scientific committee for the annual meeting of the ESMRMB 2015 and scientific and is subcommittee member for the European congress of radiology since 2015. He is also a member of the Oncology section of the Scientific Editorial Board of European Radiology and has been associate editor for Abdominal Imaging until 2020.
Prof. Michael J. Halaska, M.D., Ph.D.
Medical director of the Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 3rd Medical Faculty, Charles University in Prague, Faculty Hospital Kralovske Vinohrady.
1996–1998 Academic Senate of the 1st Medical Faculty, Charles University - vicepresident
2008– European Society of Gynecologic Oncology - ESGO
2009–2015 European Network of Young Gynae Oncologists ENYGO
2011–2015 Member of an executive committee of ENYGO
2013–2015 President elect of ENYGO
In 2011 awarded by Czech Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics for a best publication in obstetrics and gynecology for author under 35 years for the year 2009.
Main author or coauthor of 46 impact factor publications, 40 peer-reviewed publications, citation index 2845, h-index 28.